Day 4

Today has been one of those bittersweet days. Today marks the 1 year mark since I watched EMS bring my grandfather out of his home on a stretcher. The ride to the hospital at 100 mph just trying to get there in time, knowing it was already too late. I was always very close to him, he was just one of those people who always left a mark on everyone he ever met. He was the type that ya either loved him or hated him and he just didnt care either way. He far out-lived what was predicted by the doctors, by about 20 years. There at the end I was even helping take care of him. While my grandmother was in the hospital I made sure he had a full on hot meal each and every night. I made sure he took his medicines, even cutting up his pills so he could take them easier. Each night I walked to his house from mine just to make sure he was ok and had everything he needed for the night. He was one of the strongest men I have ever known and a year ago today my life was changed, forever.
We spent today with the family, as usual for Sundays. We always go to my mothers for lunch. This is usually the only time the kids get to see everyone. We caught up on the weekly gossip and looked through old photos. Blaine & I hit the road on the ATVs for a bit. What a site, I was absolutely covered from head to toe in mud, it was great!
This is all where todays picture comes from. Each week we pass this spot on our trip to moms. They call this Falling Rock. The road is in spots very high, there is a rock wall (the rocks will sometimes fall to the road hence Falling Rock) on one side of you, on the other a small cliff with a creek at the bottom. This whole section of road is very narrow (why its called the "narries" to the locals) and in spots can be very dangerous. But its always a breathtaking sight. Since it rained hard last night we actually had water coming off the rock wall. I love this spot and try to get pictures to show every season well.


thanks for stopping by..until tomorrow...
8 Responses
  1. Chreamps Says:

    Sounds like your grandfather and you were very close - wonderful journaling. I commend you for being such a great grand daugter (and friend I'm sure).

    Your picture is just beautiful - sounds like a wonderful place to visit nature!

  2. Tanya J. Says:

    I am so sorry and I know what you mean about RACING to get there in time. My mom was in the hospital not going to make it. I was coming from Arizona. She waited a whole day for me to come home and see her and say bye. I walked out of her room and she passed away. I miss my mom. and I am so sorry for your loss:( That is why I know I am ready to quit smoking. for my mom. and my kids. and of course lil ol me :)
    I look forward to seeing more pics on our 365 adventure :)

  3. Anonymous Says:

    I'm so sorry about your grandfather. We did that same ambulance race when my dad passed away almost 15 years ago. Your photo for today is awesome! Gorgeous scenery!

  4. Cindy Says:

    I am sorry for your loss. The photo you took today was amazing.

  5. Kim Says:

    Beautiful picture and great story behind it.

  6. Biancka Says:

    I am so sorry to hear about your grandfather.

    Your photo is simply stunning !!! I love outside photos. TFS

  7. Erika Says:

    Sorry for your loss.
    Beautiful picture, love how you can see the water falling from the rocks.

  8. Iris Says:

    Wonderful photo!
    I am so sorry to hear about your grandfather.